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An item's details
Finding items
Selecting items
Resizing items
Items with graphics
Clip-Art toolbar

You saw how to create an item in "First steps".

Moving an item

You can move an item around on a view, either to put it closer to related items, or to change its "meaning" by placing it into a different column in a column view.


Click the item using the left mouse key and keep the key pressed. Drag the item to its new position and let the key go.

Editing an item

You can change the contents of an item at any time.


Double-click the item. It opens, allowing you to edit it. Right-clicking the item and choosing "Edit all fields" has the same effect, as does pressing F2 when the item is selected.

You reach the description panel with the mouse or by repeatedly pressing the TAB key. Ctrl+TAB brings the cursor back from the description panel to the name of the item. (Pressing Ctrl+S while editing the description closes the item and then stores the file.)

You complete your editing of an item with the ENTER key, by clicking the background of the view, by opening another item or by activating a menu item.

Deleting an item

At some stage you will want to delete an item, either because it was a mistake to input it at all, or because it has become superfluous.


"Select" the item you want to delete by clicking it. (You'll see the small black squares at the item's corners.) Press the "DEL" key.

Alternatively, choose "Delete" in the item's context menu.

Adding a further (linked) item

When one item is selected (for instance directly after you created and finished editing it), you can press ENTER to create another one:

Press ENTER...

A red arrow automatically joins the original item and the new one.

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